Bread has been at the heart of human nutrition for more than 15,000 years. It is eatean around the world in multitude of forms ranging from baguettes to bagels pumpernickel to soda bread chapaties to tortillas. It is a vital supplier of energy,protien,fibre,B-Vitamins,iron,calcuim and trace elements. Bread can be made from any cereal,but the flour of what is particularly suitable as it contain gluten,a protien that becomes sticky when mixed with water. The gluten traps the gas produced by fermenting yeast inside the dough and makes the bread rise.

White flours are enriced with vitamin and minerals,but anriching does not repalec the vitamin B6,vitamin E,folic acid,pantothenic acid,magnesium and zinc lost during the refining process.

Recipe: Jamaican Banana Bread

2 cups Flour

tbsp Baking Powder

8 tbsp Unsalted

1/2 cup Sugar

1 egg

1/2 tsp Salt

1/2 tsp Freshly grated nutmeg

1 tsp Essance Vanila

2 Large size ripe banana

2/3 cup Seedlees raisin,tossed with 1tsp flour

1/4cup chopped pecans

1. Beat the butter and sugar together in a mixing bowl until they are light and fulffy.

2. Add the egg and beat the mixture thoroughly.

3.Sift together the flour, baking powder,salt and nutmeg.

4. Mashed the bananas and add the vanilla extract the add the sifted ingredients and the banana alternately to the egg,butter and sugar mixture,beating after after each addition until everything is thoroughly blended.

5. Add the raisins with the peacns to the batter.mixing well.

6. Pour the batter into bread mould. Preheat the oven at temperature 180c.

7. Baked for about 1 hour.


Best giler..

anna essa
12 November 2013 at 12:01 comment-delete

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